08.02.2014, 13:39
Последний раз редактировалось mirou123; 08.02.2014 в 18:31.
Hey I am trying to save a faction's stats into a file then load it when the server restarts The saving works fine but when I restart the server two times the values will be set to 0 again and I think that happens because the server is not loading.
This is what I am using to save
And ofc I call that function OnGameModeExit so can anyone help me to load the file OnGameModeInit?Thank you in advance
This is what I am using to save
stock SaveLSPDData() { new INI:LSPD = INI_Open("Factions/LSPD.ini"); INI_SetTag(LSPD, "Los Santos Police Department"); INI_WriteString(LSPD, "Chief", LSPDVar[FactionLeader]); INI_WriteInt(LSPD, "Money", LSPDVar[FactionMoney]); INI_WriteInt(LSPD, "Drugs", LSPDVar[FactionDrugs]); INI_WriteInt(LSPD, "Weapons", LSPDVar[Factionguns]); INI_WriteInt(LSPD, "MembersCount", LSPDVar[FactionMembers]); INI_WriteInt(LSPD, "ArrestsCount", LSPDVar[FactionArrests]); INI_WriteInt(LSPD, "KillsCount", LSPDVar[FactionKills]); INI_WriteInt(LSPD, "DeathsCount", LSPDVar[FactionDeaths]); INI_Close(LSPD); return 1; }