05.02.2014, 10:09
Salut !
Ieri mi-a intrat pe server un "individ" si mi-a stins pur si simplu serverul.Am spus prima oara ca o fii de la host, am intrat in gamecp am restart serverul, a pornit, de fiecare data cand trecem de 40 de jucatori "asta" intra pe server si da /report cu ce ii vine lui in minte si imi pica serverul.Nu am idee cum poate sa faca asta, in log nu apare nimic, si nu este nici chestia cu {ffffff}.
Ce poate avea ?
Yesterday I entered the server a "person" and he shout down my server.First time as being the host, I entered GameCP I restart the server to start every time you get 40 the players "this" enter the server and yes / report what he comes to mind and I dont know shout down my server.Nothing appears in the log, and there is no thing {ffffff}.
What can be?
Thank you.
Ieri mi-a intrat pe server un "individ" si mi-a stins pur si simplu serverul.Am spus prima oara ca o fii de la host, am intrat in gamecp am restart serverul, a pornit, de fiecare data cand trecem de 40 de jucatori "asta" intra pe server si da /report cu ce ii vine lui in minte si imi pica serverul.Nu am idee cum poate sa faca asta, in log nu apare nimic, si nu este nici chestia cu {ffffff}.
Ce poate avea ?
Yesterday I entered the server a "person" and he shout down my server.First time as being the host, I entered GameCP I restart the server to start every time you get 40 the players "this" enter the server and yes / report what he comes to mind and I dont know shout down my server.Nothing appears in the log, and there is no thing {ffffff}.
What can be?
Thank you.