spawning vehicles

There is one problem but I cant find how to fix it. When i try to use /v to spawn a vehicle it wont work (nothing will happen, vehicle wont spawn) unless I use a command to delete all vehicles in the server.

could you post the Codes here?

Originally Posted by Jese
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unless I use a command to delete all vehicles in the server.
that could mean that you've hit the max vehicles count.
it's 2000 vehicles.

But i don't think that you've created so much vehicles ^^ - just in case.

You could show us the "/v" command and we'll check if you messed up something by accident

edit: nvm I fixed it.

that v cmd isn't spawning anything. it's just calling the Dialog.

Show us the Responsecode of that Dialog, please

You're not showing us how you're SPAWNING the vehicle you're showing us how you're using ShowPlayerDialog, post the DialogResponse of DIALOGID3+24.

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