The limitation which PAWN has issued on arrays. Did you know?

I just today discovered that one of the PAWN's limitations is that an array cant have more than 3 dimensions, but still the compiler doesn't complain. I have still not tested this, but I saw this when I was reading the source code:

pawn Код:
#define sDIMEN_MAX    3     /* maximum number of array dimensions */

It should give error 53: exceeding maximum number of dimensions.

But what about:

pawn Код:
#define sDIMEN_MAX    3     /* maximum number of array dimensions */

What about it? It's just a definition, as long as you don't declare an array with more than 3 dimensions, you will not get the error.

There are very few things that need more than 3 dimensions anyways, you can still work around that with using indexes then.

Originally Posted by Konstantinos
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What about it? It's just a definition, as long as you don't declare an array with more than 3 dimensions, you will not get the error.
Ah! I was going through the error list of pawn-lang.pdf and the reason for that error is that the current implantation of PAWN compiler only supports arrays with one or two dimensions, not three!

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