You are banned from this server..

Hello. Well I know that there is a bug with this banned from the server thing, but on my server it starts to get out of hand. Like it times you out that way, people connect and spawn (I think it's a specific spawn location) and then they like lose connection, everything freezes for them and then it gives them out this message and they have to relog and when they relog, they can get it again and again and like that 4-5 times or more. I really don't know what can cause this, I am not the only one that had it but the majority of the server witnessed it.

Can it be a host issue maybe? Or is it related somehow to the script?


Anybody? Any guesses what can cause this?

It's a 0.3x bug, if players lose connection, exit the game and relog. If they wait to reconnect, it tells them They're banned.

I know the bug, but this one happens too often like every 10 seconds it can happend to one of the player, he relogs and it times out for him again the same way and like that can be 4-5 times in a row, eventually it will stop. It started not such a long while ago.

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