24.01.2014, 21:49
I made the command in my GM callde /pp but that is not problem. So that command call stock from inc. Stock looks like this:
My problem is: He create teh object CreateObject(4238, X+2, Y+2, Z, 300.26, 90.0000, 0.00);, but hi didnt set the material. What did i done wrong and what should i fix?
stock KreirajText(playerid) { new string[256],Float:X,Float:Y,Float:Z; GetPlayerPos(playerid, X, Y, Z); //format(string, 256, "CreateDynamicObject(4238,x+2,y+2,z+1,0.00,0.00,0.00)"); object = CreateObject(4238, X+2, Y+2, Z, 300.26, 90.0000, 0.00); SetDynamicObjectMaterialText(object, 0,"{FF8040}llllllllllllllllll", 80, "Arial", 80, 1, -16730675, 0, 1); EditObject(playerid, object); SelectObject(playerid); SendClientMessage(playerid, -1 ,"{E0AF1B}PESACKI KREIRAN!"); return 1; }