The First who says

Is there a filterscript that it will have a random message evrey X minutes
that will say some word, the first who write that win the cash.

Is there a script like that?
I tried to search this but i have not found anything...


it's easy to make yourself. You havn't looked properly mate search for Random Message and i will guarantee you can find at LEAST 2.

he doesnt just want a random message, should read before you post he wants a reaction test, i know how to make it but i dont feel like explaining it right now, i badly need an icecream but the ice here melt because the fridge was off :<

Originally Posted by Pandabeer1337
he doesnt just want a random message, should read before you post he wants a reaction test, i know how to make it but i dont feel like explaining it right now, i badly need an icecream but the ice here melt because the fridge was off :<
Oh sorry, i apologise for that. I just read the question quickly and assumed he was offering cash for the first person who replies to his question lol.

I have found one for you created by tomozj:

[me="[B2K]Hustler"]goes downstairs to fetch an ice cream from his fridge. [/me]

thanks :P

Edit: Uhhh, the download link is broken :S

Originally Posted by borisblat
thanks :P

Edit: Uhhh, the download link is broken :S
should look better, last page new link:

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