21.01.2014, 18:27
I am in the works of some gangzones for my roleplay script, and I am wondering if their is a way to check if the player is still in the zone. I'll use a turf to show you.
(Another problem)
The next problem I am having is actually seeing if any members of that Gang[playerid] is on that turf. So if the person who started the turf war was part of Gang[playerid] == 1; then even if he/she died the timer would continue, then another person who happened to be on that turf was also in Gang 1 would be standing on the turf when the timer is over, and take over the turf. But I have absolutely no idea where to start. And I don't like asking for people to make something from scratch for me but I really have no idea how to do this:
Same thing with that, it would check to see if a gang member of the /claimturf gang was on that turf, and if so it would become their turf.
Enormous thank you and +REP for anyone who can help me figure this out!
new WangGangZone2;
WangGangZone2 = GangZoneCreate(-2382.3772, 250.0283, -2549.3816, 42.8198);
CMD:claimturf(playerid) { // Here I want to check what turf the player is in, GangZoneFlashForAll(WangGangZone2, COLOR_YELLOW); // Finding that the player was in this turf, it would begin to flash. SetTimerEx("GangZoneTimer", 300000, false, "i", playerid); // Then it would start a five minute timer. return 1; }
The next problem I am having is actually seeing if any members of that Gang[playerid] is on that turf. So if the person who started the turf war was part of Gang[playerid] == 1; then even if he/she died the timer would continue, then another person who happened to be on that turf was also in Gang 1 would be standing on the turf when the timer is over, and take over the turf. But I have absolutely no idea where to start. And I don't like asking for people to make something from scratch for me but I really have no idea how to do this:
public GangZoneTimer(playerid) { return 1; }
Enormous thank you and +REP for anyone who can help me figure this out!