OnPlayerWeaponShot [Explosives/Melee]

About the OnPlayerWeaponShot.
Explosives and Melee cannot be detected as a hit?
Is it possible to fix it?


For a start explosives and Melee do not give out shots, so why would this function be called.

But I do agree, it should be included but in another callback.

Yeah, it would be great to detect positions of bombs, tear gas bomb, rockets, etc... So you can add side efects to those bombs, napalm, nuclear, flash etc...

Originally Posted by KyleSmith
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For a start explosives and Melee do not give out shots, so why would this function be called.

But I do agree, it should be included but in another callback.
Agreed on this fact. However, weapons which doesn't do the normal cross hair aiming doesn't support to get called under "OnPlayerWeaponShot" (Weapons like Snipers, RPG..) I've reported this already on this thread.

I was actually thinking the same thing, the only think i can think off would be to use these but obviously they would be very buggy.

Just using the weapon ID for explode etc


We dont talk about deathmessages. We talk about the callback OnPlayerWeaponShot that should detect that we hit an object,player or vehicle with explosives or melee to add effects.

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