SA-MP 0.3z RC5

SA-MP 0.3z RC

Note: SA-MP 0.3z is now released. This thread will be archived.

SA-MP 0.3z is mainly a security update that we hope to push to release quickly. There are a few new features and there should be time to address some existing 0.3 bugs during the RC.

Updated shooting sync for bullet weapons

Shots fired by players are now lag compensated, meaning you can aim at the skin instead of lead aiming.

The server can now get access to the full bullet information to tell if it hit a player, vehicle or object.

pawn Code:
#define BULLET_HIT_TYPE_NONE            0
#define BULLET_HIT_TYPE_PLAYER          1
#define BULLET_HIT_TYPE_VEHICLE         2
#define BULLET_HIT_TYPE_OBJECT          3

forward OnPlayerWeaponShot(playerid, weaponid, hittype, hitid, Float:fX, Float:fY, Float:fZ);
The give/take damage callbacks now contain the body part hit ID. If your script uses these callbacks, you will need to update the definition in your script.

pawn Code:
forward OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, Float:amount, weaponid, bodypart);
forward OnPlayerGiveDamage(playerid, damagedid, Float:amount, weaponid, bodypart);
Other stuff

- A network level setting for server.cfg 'messageholelimit' has been added to deal with DoS attacks.
- The Rivershell gamemode has been updated to version 2.


SA-MP 0.3z RC5-2 Client update

- Fixed: Player with the highest player ID was not sending any unoccupied vehicle updates.

SA-MP 0.3z RC5 Client/Server update

- Fixed range check error in the server browser if you added an erroneous port (like 77777).
- Some internal optimisation in the client should improve performance.
- Fixed problem where PVars were not accessible in OnPlayerDisconnect during a gamemode restart.
- Added pawn native GetServerTickRate() to return the current tickrate (like FPS) of the server.
- Fixed problem with 3DText/NameTag LoS tests on server objects.

- Changes to the behaviour and parameters of OnUnoccupiedVehicleUpdate.

In previous server versions, clients could send updates about vehicles that aren't being controlled/driven by other players,
although the server had no ability to cancel these updates. The script will now be notified about such updates before the
vehicle is updated internally. GetVehiclePos would return the existing position, not the updated position. Newly added parameters
describe the player's requested update position. The script can now return 0 to cancel the update or return 1 to allow the update through.

All scripts using OnUnoccupiedVehicleUpdate will need to be updated and recompiled for 0.3z.

pawn Code:
forward OnUnoccupiedVehicleUpdate(vehicleid, playerid, passenger_seat, Float:new_x, Float:new_y, Float:new_z);
- server.cfg option 'lagcompmode'
The server.cfg option 'shotcompmode' was replaced with 'lagcompmode' as it will be used for other lag compensation settings in future SA-MP versions.

lagcompmode 0 ; lag compensation is disabled
lagcompmode 1 ; (default) lag compensation is enabled
lagcompmode 2 ; lag compensation enabled, position only.

- The server browser will now show a 'lagcomp' setting in the rules window.
- When lag compensation is disabled, legacy shot mode will now function exactly as it did in previous SA-MP versions (no calls to OnPlayerWeaponShot etc).

SA-MP 0.3z RC4 Client/Server update

- Fixed problem where long distance shots might go missing
- Nametag LoS tests will also apply to server objects
- OnPlayerGiveDamage is now called for NPCs
- Added GetPlayerLastShotVectors for extended information on bullet shots
- Added legacy mode for shot firing (shotcompmode 2 server.cfg setting) which uses only the camera for aiming and allows joypad auto-aiming
- Fixed: players could not be shot while surfing a vehicle
- Added some extended player camera information like aspect ratio and zoom level (for sniper)
- Extended 'netstats' functions so the script can get lower level network information without having to parse the stats string

pawn Code:
native GetPlayerLastShotVectors(playerid, &Float:fOriginX, &Float:fOriginY, &Float:fOriginZ, &Float:fHitPosX, &Float:fHitPosY, &Float:fHitPosZ);

native Float:GetPlayerCameraAspectRatio(playerid);
native Float:GetPlayerCameraZoom(playerid);

// Extended admin network stats
native NetStats_GetConnectedTime(playerid);
native NetStats_MessagesReceived(playerid);
native NetStats_BytesReceived(playerid);
native NetStats_MessagesSent(playerid);
native NetStats_BytesSent(playerid);
native NetStats_MessagesRecvPerSecond(playerid);
native Float:NetStats_PacketLossPercent(playerid);
native NetStats_ConnectionStatus(playerid);
native NetStats_GetIpPort(playerid, ip_port[], ip_port_len);
SA-MP 0.3z RC3 Client/Server update

- Fixed: Joypad target switching still enabled autoaiming.
- Fixed: Sniper bullets were not working when vectored outside the SA land area.
- Extra server data for investigating any player shot data corruption.
- Added VectorSize pawn function.

SA-MP 0.3z RC2 Client/Server update

- Removes autoaim ability from the joypad controls
- Fixes gunshell/smoke particle offset problem


0.3z RC5-2 Client
SA-MP 0.3z RC5 Client Installer

0.3z RC5 Server
SA-MP 0.3z RC5 Windows Server
SA-MP 0.3z RC5 Linux Server

0.3z RC4 Client
SA-MP 0.3z RC4 Client Installer

0.3z RC4 Server
SA-MP 0.3z RC4 Windows Server
SA-MP 0.3z RC4 Linux Server

0.3z RC3 Client
SA-MP 0.3z RC3 Client Installer

0.3z RC3 Server
SA-MP 0.3z RC3 Windows Server
SA-MP 0.3z RC3 Linux Server

0.3z RC2 Client
SA-MP 0.3z RC2 Client Installer

0.3z RC2 Server
SA-MP 0.3z RC2 Windows Server
SA-MP 0.3z RC2 Linux Server

0.3z RC1 Client
SA-MP 0.3z RC1 Client Installer

0.3z RC1 Server
SA-MP 0.3z RC1 Windows Server
SA-MP 0.3z RC1 Linux Server

This is some really cool shit!

Good boy Kalcor. Good buy dugi. :3


yes! thanks for this

Awesome! i will surely test it!

Awesome, Love it already!

it's the full update of 0.3z version ?

Holy sh*t !!! Awesome ! <3


Awesome <3

Yes! Great!

Lol i tought 0.4 was new samp version.

Good job

Originally Posted by Face9000
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Lol i tought 0.4 was new samp version.

Good job
I tought 0.3Y although 0.3Z is always welcome

Kalcor, are there any other features coming up in patches or is this it?

Originally Posted by EvenemE
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I'm not sure if I'm afraid or happy
You compaint when their is lag shooting and cry for fix and when they fix you are going again asking for lag-shooting. I don’t get it

Originally Posted by Danny.
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People complaining about the lag-shooting solution should realize it's an ISSUE that has been fixed. Whether you trained hours to compensate it or not, it still wasn't a part of the multiplayer experience. The SA:MP team did it's job by fixing it, nothing more or less.
It was never an issue, it was what made SA:MP so unique, and remember that any change to shooting mechanics NEVER was welcome by the DM scene

Like it, but for such a long time like that you guys can do more..

unfortunately anyone who will be using aimbot will own everyone :/

Too little updates as for new sa-mp version.
Aim cheats will be very popular.

How works messageholelimit?

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