Server address question

Hey, i would to know how to make address to my server like this:
something like this, not just numbers, what should i do?

You need a host where you can park a domain together with game server, aka VPS or dedicated server.

After it just make a subdomain and add :7777 at the end, or just use

It's called an A record. If you use CPanel check simple DNS Zone Editor.

Can anyone tell me how to do it? How to put domain?

Use cPanel for it!

1. Go to your cPanel (
2. Navigate down to the "Domains" section
3. Click "Simple DNS Zone Editor"
4. You will be using "Add an A Record" for this.
5. Put what you would like as your address in the "Name" field (Ex:, only put samp, not your site URL as it will automatically do it for you)
6. Put your server IP, not port, IP only in the "Address" Field
7. Click "Add a record"

or a free DNS here:

Hope this helped! Good luck

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