16.12.2013, 06:32
Последний раз редактировалось hossa; 08.07.2015 в 22:06.
PROTACTED BY Open Source License, You must contact me and Kitten before editing the GM.
Kitten have given me the premission to release this GM again so if you don't mind. i will write again all what i wrote 
and i might add more commands / maps soon if i find some free time.

Mirror #1 || Mirror #2
had to re-post it without cashlink which I thought I removed. E_E Funny part topic was here for over 4 months and admin noticed yesterday :lol:

and i might add more commands / maps soon if i find some free time.
- Renamed Advanced Screamer class to Heavy Screamer.
- Added new class Advanced Screamer.
- Added new class Advanced Stomper.
- Added new class nemsis.
- Added new class Fire Breather. ( Can breath fire and make explosion infront of him.
- Added new class Veteran. ( Rank 30 required - Got heavy weapons )
- Added new class Heavy Soldier. ( can give /vest and /giveammo )
- Added Pimp class.
- Added new class Shotgun Specialist ( +50 shotgun damage )
- Added Exp. Scout class ( 1 hit = 1 kill + High Jump )
- Added /vcure ( VIP cure ) for level 4 VIP.
- Added /vheal ( VIP heal ) for Level 4 VIP.
- Removed some things from coins shop cuz it was bugged.
- Removed some useless Lines.
- Added /credits command ( you are not allowed to remove this )
- Added more admin commands ( /spec - /givegun - /nuke / etc )
- Attached some objects to some classes.
- Added Spawn Protaction for Zombies/Humans.
- Added Hell gates at Zombies spawn to give damage to any nearby human ( gives -5 hp / second you are near zombies spawn )
- Much more things that i can't write here.
Mirror #1 || Mirror #2