Steam Greenlight - Is this official?

Yeah so a friend (8Ball) told me about SA-MP being on Steam greenlight, thought it was a little odd as SA-MP never seemed to be big on stuff like that, not really bothered with MoDDB, an official ******* channel etc. So why would they all of a sudden focus on Steam? Also thought it was odd when a german (according to steam) is the one who put this on greenlight, representing a group called 'Sprado Games' (who I've never heard of)

So yeah, not really sure of this. Is it official or just something a fan has done?

Steam support would be awesome.

No, this is not official. They were not allowed by the SA-MP Team to post it there.

Probably something a fan has done. To be honest, I don't see anything in plus here, would it ever be added to Steam. I mean, SA-MP is a 11.5Mb program that uses GTA:San Andreas to run. The game itself (GTA:SA) on Steam is fine, since you can play that, but putting SA-MP on there doesn't really improve anything in my point of view.

This isn't official, most likely someone is trying to scam people.



Yep, It's removed

Not yet

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