[HELP] Please help cp

pawn Код:
if(carid >= Nafta[3] && carid <= Nafta[6] && carid >= NaftaCisterna[0] && carid <= NaftaCisterna[3] && CP[playerid] == 2107)
        CP[playerid] = 2108; TogglePlayerControllable(playerid,0); GorivoPrijevoz[playerid] = 1; GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~w~utovar goriva",5000,1);TogglePlayerControllable(playerid,0); SetTimerEx("GorivoUkrcaj",13000,false,"i",playerid); PlayerPlaySound(playerid,1138,0,0,0); DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,2149.7993,-2147.8916,13.5469,6.0);
hello I just add there carid == NaftaCisterna[0] && carid <= NaftaCisterna[3] so this is if I have attached on trunk then I get should pass on cp but I enter in the cp and nothing happens?Why? Thanks

Use OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint

when I move naftacisterna from the code everything works fine but I need that I want if player does not this attached to trunk then he not pass on cp

anyone? Thanks

Use this to check if a trailer is attached to the vehicle.

I have 2 kind of trailer for that job one trailer is for fuel and another is for delivering meat

PHP код:
Replace vehicleid with the ID of the fuel and the another trailer.

it doesn'twork I go to cp with that trailer for fuel and nothing happens.

edit: And also I try just trailer id which si 584 and I go to cp with that trailer and nothing happens

pawn Код:
if(IsTrailerAttachedToVehicle(carid >= NaftaCisterna[0] && carid <= NaftaCisterna[3]))

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