Fellow Scripters [ heres a small hint ]

Fellow scripters i reasendly noticed that allof you scripters are trying to develope a random walking / talking bot
so i took the time to look up some stuff about the singleplayer mode wich contains random walking people
i found out a few things that could help you guys developing a bot like this.

i dont know if any1 noticed it earlyer but the random walking people are called Peds inside of the Gta folder wich react with emotions / stats
example go inside your gta sa folder and locate the file ped.ide
the stuff inside will look a bit like this
SKIN Genre Status sex hight idc Type voice
with this information you could probebly get the ped inside but what about the walking? oke then i found this

inside the animgrp file you can find the walking cycls

man, ped, walkcycle, 6

and inside of pedstats you can find this
STAT_PLAYER 0.0 9.0 50 50 50 50 3.0 0.4 40 2
STAT_COP 20.0 7.5 10 30 100 50 1.0 1.0 40 1
STAT_MEDIC 20.0 7.5 70 30 60 40 0.8 1.4 40 2
STAT_FIREMAN 20.0 7.5 10 20 60 80 1.2 0.8 40 5

i hope this is to some use to you guys because i think this is how they based there singleplayer bots
let me know if its usefull orels il try to look for more ways.
im already trying to combine some scripts i found on this website with the material i found here and it might be succesfull..
if i do manage to get it to work before any1 of you guys do it i will release the bots on this website.
but the bots will not count as players inside the server if i release it because its not going to be made to increase stats only for having fun.

and how would this be a hint?

the codes inside the files explain allot about how to make the bots react and how they react inside the singleplayer mode
it also shows how to make them cops or fireman or w/e you want
it shows fear , anger walk cycles how they react on situations , if they are in a gang or not.
so based on this they can set there bot scripts or copy some of the commands to create bots like the ingame once
for if you have like 5-15 players on your server they can also kill bots if they are bored or something like that.

I think many people have tried to make bots or those who were very advanced never tried because they knew it wasn't possible with this version. Many people have looked in the gta data files and read this.

they already have taxi bots who folow waypoints and bots who folow player key's
they are not far away from making a random walkcycle for a bot ,or random reactions
its a verry hard task to get the bots to work even tho it seems inpossible ,its alwais possible
its not realy about if they gonna make the bots but only when will they find the way to make them.
the scripts ive seen here are verry advanced and they get better each day so i know its gonna happen soon.

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