04.01.2014, 17:03
I have a string maxlength problem, and im using strlib;
here are the errors:
here are the lines:
here are the errors:
Sign.pwn(92) : error 017: undefined symbol "maxlength" Sign.pwn(92) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero Sign.pwn(92) : warning 215: expression has no effect
SetSignText(signid, text[]) { if(!Iter_Contains(sgn_Index, signid)) return 0; str_replace(text, "\\n", "\n", .maxlength = MAX_SIGN_TEXT); strcpy(sgn_Data[signid][sgn_text], text, MAX_SIGN_TEXT); strcat(sgn_Data[signid][sgn_text], "\n\n\n"); SetDynamicObjectMaterialText(sgn_Data[signid][sgn_object], 0, text, OBJECT_MATERIAL_SIZE_512x512, "Arial", 72, 1, -16777216, -1, 1); return 1; }