MySQL Connection problem?

Hey guys,

I bought a pretty nice script from someone and I'm having an issue with what I assume is MySQL connection. I'm able to connect to the server and play however it does not load the factions, doors, etc. Connection info is right. I know nothing about scripting or anything so I can't help myself, and I also can not contact the owner of the script anymore. Could someone possibly Teamviewer or give advice? Thanks.

Please put the code in here.

If you don't want to do that, you can send it to me via PM and I'll help.

What could shall I put? Like I said, I'm not an experienced scripter, nor the brightest with this sort of stuff. What would you like to see?

Need an urgent fix. Will offer $10-20 for a fix.

Still looking for help. Also adding: it does now seem to load factions, users, etc however does not save new accounts.

Anybody willing to help would be greatly appreciated!

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