Some harsh words to SAMP Team..

I talk about this kind of attacks:

[00:16:38] (1) Invalid client connecting from 88.212.*.*
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Since SAMP server detects such things, give us a callback which is being called whenever something isn't right.
Make a seperate config stat in server.cfg which let us set how many players can join from the same IP and so on.

Its obvious that one player can't connect to server twice without being disconnected.

Ofcourse I can use some server log reader script etc, but why I should use it, if samp server itself register such things, just doesn't share, what I wish is a full control over incomming connections, even if they are just initalizing.

Still, thank you about what is done so far , just wish such things would be finished, not left in the server log only, there was that plugin with callback which being called about print() to server log, add it by default, I could live with current features, just increase security.

Im sorry if I feel like a noob , but from what I know how these things works, it should be quick job, thank you.

"set how many players can join from the same IP"

Such attacks doesn't even gets to OnPlayerConnect(playerid)


whenever something isn't right

That's nice and specific...

Its obvious that one player can't connect to server twice without being disconnected.

Note that each nick is different. You suggest blocking connections from the same IP? Many players share network connections and play SA-MP together.

'attacks' like the one you show above are quite easy to block/prevent/counter. Check the scripting sections of the forum

I suggest to add a stat in server settings, which let to set amount of connections, or just limit how many connections per second 1 IP can do.


Invalid client connecting from ..
Modified packet
Invalid dialog
Kicking **** because they didn't logon to the game.

would be these isn't right things, but will try to make some custom script for these things, thanks anyways, didn't expected to be answered at all

Such a weird and uncalled for title. Most attacks can be prevented server-side, from YOUR coding.

Yes because making a multiplayer game DDoS resistant is sooooooo easy!
Find a host that provides DDoS protection.

Get a host that provides you DDoS protection or make a script about that, there are many tutorials in this forum + *******.

I got ddos protection, just that it kicks in at high traffic, these small ones just passes by, and any of you have such serverwise script? mind share, as it could be useful for me.

As I already said before, samp is not meant to be a firewall. Spamming attacks are not limited to samp, but are a thing that every network server has to face. So why should every single one of them integrate its own firewall? That features you are yelling for can simply be done with firewall software, in a much more complete and efficient way than samp could ever reach. So why should the devs waste their time with that? Just because some guys are too lazy/unable to set it up themselves?

Originally Posted by Mauzen
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As I already said before, samp is not meant to be a firewall. Spamming attacks are not limited to samp, but are a thing that every network server has to face. So why should every single one of them integrate its own firewall? That features you are yelling for can simply be done with firewall software, in a much more complete and efficient way than samp could ever reach. So why should the devs waste their time with that? Just because some guys are too lazy/unable to set it up themselves?
Im just saying that once those messages appears in the server log:

Invalid client connecting from ..
Modified packet
Invalid dialog
Kicking **** because they didn't logon to the game.

Would be useful to have some notification callback.

This is nothing more than a bot attack which can be prevented, if you use maxIPs filterscript from sa-mp server package and set the connection limit per IP to 1 or the number of your choice. If you wish to know more of about this, pm me.

This thing is possible to prevent with scripting. My server once got attacked by 20 bots, they all get kicked instantly.

While that kind of attack can be prevented by script, I agree with the author on having a callback whenever a system message is printed to the console. Yeah, I know ****** made a plugin for that, but as far as I know it had the problem of not printing to server_log.txt

Originally Posted by Mauzen
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As I already said before, samp is not meant to be a firewall. Spamming attacks are not limited to samp, but are a thing that every network server has to face. So why should every single one of them integrate its own firewall? That features you are yelling for can simply be done with firewall software, in a much more complete and efficient way than samp could ever reach. So why should the devs waste their time with that? Just because some guys are too lazy/unable to set it up themselves?
How would you detect this through a firewall without flagging innocent players connection? Could you share some wisdom?

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