Access violation - I have searched topics, please read.

Hey ladies and gents, just have a small query about the "access violation" bug, when the samp client is closed.

Now, I'm of complete understanding that, when you change compatibility to 98/ME, it's fixed! But...

I like to use my steam community overlay, in game, nice and handy (Can browse the web, chat, and whatnot)
However, steam overlay ONLY works with compatibility set to Windows 2000 or later, which doesn't fix the aforementioned error.

Reason for this post, is back when I was a samp nub, and I think we were upto 0.1b or something along the lines, there was an actual fix for this issue, a patch, more or less.
Does anyone have any idea if this patch is still floating around, and will it be compatible to 0.2x.

Or does anyone know of an alternative solution?

Ok, I have found a temporary fix, holding escape whilst closing samp, stops the errors from appearing.
But still, other suggestions would be very welcome

Download the updated server browser from the download page, it fixes this problem.

Thanks cheif! You've saved the day, and a small portion of my day to day frustratons

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