20.12.2013, 10:12
Hello everyone I am having problem with these checkpoints the thing is that whenever I am near a point I want that there will appear the checkpoint at the point where I am near to, but unfortunately it doesn't even appear. Okay so when the checkpoint should appear and whenever I go away from the checkpoint I want it to be deleted or destroyed however when I am coming to the point the server just start lagging as hell. here the code:
Any help is appreciated! If you need my code in OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP just tell me.
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid) { new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z; for(new o = 1; o<1000; o++) { if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 5, hInfo[o][hEx], hInfo[o][hEy], hInfo[o][hEz]) && AtHouse[playerid] == 0) { X = hInfo[o][hEx]; Y = hInfo[o][hEy]; Z = hInfo[o][hEz]; AtHouse[playerid] = CreateDynamicCP(hInfo[o][hEx], hInfo[o][hEy], hInfo[o][hEz], 1, -1, -1, -1, 100); } if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 5, X, Y, Z) && AtHouse[playerid] != 0) { DestroyDynamicCP(AtHouse[playerid]); DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); } } }