FPS and skin hitboxes

Are the skin hitboxes the same for each skin? Like if you have a fat skin and a skinny skin the hitbox is the same or if you have a fat skin you have higher chances to get shot? (aka bigger hitbox)
Also, how do the FPS limiter affect your game experience, like running faster, slower with cars, can someone explain me?

Originally Posted by Georgi166
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Are the skin hitboxes the same for each skin? Like if you have a fat skin and a skinny skin the hitbox is the same or if you have a fat skin you have higher chances to get shot? (aka bigger hitbox)
Also, how do the FPS limiter affect your game experience, like running faster, slower with cars, can someone explain me?
I think it's harder to hit a skinny skin.

That's why pros have those hobo skins..
And because they're shorter so they got harder to hit..


I wouldn't say so, basically, in SA-MP; If you are shooting the person directly into his body, you ain't taking any damage. I would say that the hitbox doesn't have such large role in this.

I think the the ped size affects the hitbox, also the fat skins are less accurate, they turn harder and their movements are slightly slow.

I would say that all that matters is how the person shoots, obviously, in SP it is way too easier.

I think it is based on ped sizes. For example, if you shoot above the head of a shorter ped, they won't take damage but the other peds will since they're taller.

Modded skins are NOT supported though. SA-MP doesn't support mods, so that's why I don't use them.

Originally Posted by Emmet_
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I think it is based on ped sizes. For example, if you shoot above the head of a shorter ped, they won't take damage but the other peds will since they're taller.

Modded skins are NOT supported though. SA-MP doesn't support mods, so that's why I don't use them.
That sounds logical, but even though it would be able to script; it takes effect only in single player most likely, as for the server, all that matters is shooting skill(hao2lagshut), your ping, server's ping, target's ping..

Skin does matter, ID 137, 230, 53 are most used in A/D because the movement is noticeably faster and it's tricky to get a shoot at them.

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