/gate command, and only /gate

Hi there, I am looking if anyone can give me any help for a /gate command that would open AND close gates/barriers, I dont want to have to use LSPDBarrier1open/close that is stupid, ive been in servers where you just have to have a hotkey(well i do anyway)of /gate, and the command opens and closes the barriers/gates, I have down the requirements on if the player is connected, IsAcop/admin what not, just need help on how to check for one, to see if the person is like actually near the gate, and two, checking whether or not /gate opens or closes, meaning how do i check to see if the gate is already open or closed when /gate is entered, to choose whether to close or open...hope this isnt confusing..thank you and here is what i have so far:

if(strcmp(cmd, "/gate", true) == 0) // Command
  		if(IsACop(playerid) || PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1) // Checks if the player is in the police
			if(ProxDetectorS(11.0, playerid, LSPDBarrier1) && GetObjectPos(LSPDBarrier1,0.000000,89.000000,269.818847))
			 	SetObjectRot(LSPDBarrier1,0.000000,0.000000,269.818847); // Moves the object
 				SetTimer("LSPDBarrier1Timer", 5000, 0);
 				GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~w~Access ~g~Granted", 5000, 4);
		 	else if(ProxDetectorS(11.0, playerid, LSPDBarrier1) && GetObjectPos(LSPDBarrier1,0.000000,0.000000,269.818847))
		  	else if(strcmp(cmd, "/gate", true) == 0)
		  	if(IsACop(playerid) || PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1 && ProxDetectorS(11.0, playerid, LSPDGate1))
		  		MoveObject(LSPDGate1, 1588.265991,-1638.143554,9.534472,1.0);
		  		SetTimer("LSPDGate1Timer", 5000, 0);
		  	else if(strcmp(cmd, "/gate", true) == 0)
		 		if(IsACop(playerid) || PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1 && ProxDetectorS(11.0, playerid, LSPDGate1))
		   		MoveObject(LSPDGate1, 1588.265991,-1638.143554,15.014236,0.9);

Why are you making three commands?

Use bools, then check the bool (1 is open, 0 is closed for example). When the bool is 0 you open the gate and set the bool to 1

Or GetObjectPos.

Originally Posted by MenaceX^
Or GetObjectPos.
That would get bugged when you spam the command.

use OnPlayerKeyStateChange..

Originally Posted by silvan
use OnPlayerKeyStateChange..
Why should he? Do you even know what does OnPlayerKeyStateChange do?

Originally Posted by иєσz
Originally Posted by MenaceX^
Or GetObjectPos.
That would get bugged when you spam the command.
Players shouldn't spam in commands.

Originally Posted by иєσz
Use bools, then check the bool (1 is open, 0 is closed for example). When the bool is 0 you open the gate and set the bool to 1
I must appologize, in all my months of scripting, i never heard the term bools, would it be possible for someone to show me an example of what he is talking about, or better yet, just throw together a script please...Thank you

where i should copy that code

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