13.12.2013, 12:26
Последний раз редактировалось [WA]iRonan; 24.01.2014 в 11:32.
You might wonder what iExtras is, iExtras is an include I have been writing adding options to create simple scripting.
iExtras isn't used that much but it is a nice include if you started scripting and want to do some advanced things.
https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=488023 - SCM & Parachuting:
GiveHealth(playerid, Float:Health); - Give the player the amount of health filled in at Float:health. TakeHealth(playerid,Float:Health); - Same as above, but taking health. Not giving it. GivePlayerArmour(playerid,Float:Armour); - Same as GiveHealth, but giving the player armour. TakePlayerArmour(playerid); - Same as GivePlayerArmour but taking the player's armour. Slap(playerid); - Slapping the player in the air. Explode(playerid); - Exploding the player, causing him to die. GivePlayerScore(playerid); - Giving the player a certain amount of score on top of his existing score. IsPlayerInArea(playerid, Float:MinX, Float:MinY, Float:MaxX, Float:MaxY); - Traces if the player is in the area. GetVehicleSpeed(vehicleid); - Get's how fast a vehicle goes. Can be usefull for anti-cheats. GetPlayerSpeed(playerid); - Gets how fast the player runs. Can be usefull for anti-cheats. IsPlayerInWater(playerid); - can be used in an "if" statement, checking if the player is in the water. IsPlayerParachuting(playerid); - Checks if the player is skydiving. can be used in an "if" statement or a timer. IsPlayerUsingParachute(playerid); - Checks if the player deployed his parachute. IsPlayerAiming(playerid); - Checks if the player aims. (if statement or timer) GetWeather(weatherid); - Gets the weather ID. Heallall(); - Heals every player online. Armourall(); - Give all players online a certain amount of armour. GiveAllCash(cash); - Gives all players online a certain amount of cash. ScoreAll(score); - Gives all players online a certain amount of score. FreezeAllPlayers(); - Freezes all players online. UnFreezeAllPlayers(); - Unfreeze's all players online. DisarmAllPlayers(); - Removes all online player's weapons. AdminMessage(color, const, msg[]); - Sends a message to all RCON admins online. |
Added in 2.0 & 3.0:
SCM - SendClientMessage with a string. GetVehicleTuningLocation - Detects where his vehicle has to be tuned. GetWeaponModel - Get's the player's weapon. GetPlayer3DZone - Gets a player's position (3D) GetPlayer2DZone - Gets a player's position (2D) IsMeleeWeapon - Checks if a player has a melee weapon. IsHeavyWeapon - Detects if its a minigun or any other heavy gun. IsRocketWeapon - Detects if the weapon fires rockets. PlayerName - Gets'a player's name. |