[Ajuda] Comando /criarradar e /deletarradar

Queria Saber Um Modo De Criar Uma 3DTextLabel Quando Dou o Comando /criarradar e que ela salve a 3DTextLabel e Quando Der /deletarradar Ela Suma Com o Radar ?


// This command allows you to create a speedcamera
COMMAND:criarradar(playerid, params[])
// Setup local variables
new Float, Float:y, Float:z, Float:Angle, MaxSpeed, file[100], File:PFile, LineForFile[100], Msg[128];

// Send the command to all admins so they can see it
SendAdminText(playerid, "/criarradar", params);

// Check if the player has logged in
if (APlayerData[playerid][LoggedIn] == true)
// Check if the player's admin-level is at least 5
if (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerLevel] >= 5)
if (sscanf(params, "i", MaxSpeed)) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, "Digite: \"/criarradar <Velocidade>\"");
// Get player's position and facing angle
GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, Angle);
z = z - 1.0; // Adjust camera Z-coordinate 1m lower than normal (otherwise the camera floats in the air)

// Move the player a bit, otherwise he could get stuck inside the camera-object
SetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y + 1.0, z + 1.0);

// Save the camera to a file
for (new CamID; CamID < MAX_CAMERAS; CamID++)
// Check if this index is free
if (ACameras[CamID][CamSpeed] == 0)
// Setup this camera (create the objects and store the data)
SetupSpeedCamera(CamID, x, y, z, Angle, MaxSpeed);

// Save the file
format(file, sizeof(file), CameraFile, CamID); // Construct the complete filename for this camera-file

PFile = fopen(file, io_write); // Open the camera-file for writing

format(LineForFile, 100, "CamX %f\r\n", x);
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "CamY %f\r\n", y);
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "CamZ %f\r\n", z);
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "CamAngle %f\r\n", Angle);
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "CamSpeed %i\r\n", MaxSpeed);
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file

fclose(PFile); // Close the file

// Let the player know he created a new camera
format(Msg, 128, "Voce Criou o Radar de ID: %i", CamID);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x00FF00FF, Msg);

// Exit the function
return 1;

// In case all camera-slots are occupied (100 camera's have been created already), let the player know about it
format(Msg, 128, "{FF0000}Voce nao Pode Criar mais de %i Radares", MAX_CAMERAS);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, Msg);
return 0;
return 0;

// Let the server know that this was a valid command
return 1;

// This command allows you to delete a speedcamera
COMMAND:deletarradar(playerid, params[])
// Setup local variables
new file[100], Msg[128];

// Send the command to all admins so they can see it
SendAdminText(playerid, "/deletarradar", params);

// Check if the player has logged in
if (APlayerData[playerid][LoggedIn] == true)
// Check if the player's admin-level is at least 5
if (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerLevel] >= 5)
// Loop through all camera's
for (new CamID; CamID < MAX_CAMERAS; CamID++)
// Check if this index is used
if (ACameras[CamID][CamSpeed] != 0)
// Check if the player is in range of the camera
if (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 5.0, ACameras[CamID][CamX], ACameras[CamID][CamY], ACameras[CamID][CamZ]))
// Delete the file
format(file, sizeof(file), CameraFile, CamID); // Construct the complete filename for this camera-file
if (fexist(file)) // Make sure the file exists
fremove(file); // Delete the file

// Delete both camera objects
// Also clear the data from memory
ACameras[CamID][CamX] = 0.0;
ACameras[CamID][CamY] = 0.0;
ACameras[CamID][CamZ] = 0.0;
ACameras[CamID][CamAngle] = 0.0;
ACameras[CamID][CamSpeed] = 0;
ACameras[CamID][CamObj1] = 0;
ACameras[CamID][CamObj2] = 0;
ACameras[CamID][CamIcon] = 0;

// Let the player know he deleted a camera
format(Msg, 128, "Vocк deletou o radar %i", CamID);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x00FF00FF, Msg);

// Exit the function
return 1;

// In case the player wasn't near a speedcamera, inform him about it
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "{FF0000} Esteja em um radar para deletб-lo");
return 0;
return 0;

// Let the server know that this was a valid command
return 1;


Desculpe Mais nгo tem nenhum tutorial ? procurei no search mais nгo achei nada



Mano saiba procurar e pesquisar sobre as variaveis q vc vai achar,e tente usar um gm br pq vc q й novato em pawn n vao entender nada de ingles (posso estar enganado)

Sim Sou Novato Em Pawn , Tenho Um GM BR Mais Queria Saber Como Integrar Essa Funзгo Nesse Comando

Use [PAWN] code [*/PAWN] sem o * para seus codes .

E simples de ser criado na enumeraзгo do seu radar vocк colocar uma var ex:
pawn Код:
enum pRad
new RadarInfo[MAX_RADARES][pRad];
ai usando esta var criada na enumeraзгo vocк vai usar pra criar e deletar ela no s cmds.

Sim Mais Expliquei Errado Quero Com o 3DTextLabel Aparecer No Radar Tipo " Velociade Max 120 Km/h "

e quando der /deletarradar ele deletasse a 3D Tmb

UP Galera Preciso Muito Disso

Tente fazer que consiguira!

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