****EVERYSTUFF GONE?********

hi well it seems everystuff has just disaperared without a trace, if there was a problem kaiser would just lock the server but the server is compleatley down (i know this because i get "retriveing info") and the servers website www.madoshi.net is down too ? if anyone could shed some light on this i would be thankfull thanks

Having some issues and it will be back up today. Certain parts of the forums are going away for good and madoshi.net will n longer have "that" forum which was making it a cesspool of stupidity. We're coming back with a bit more of a "professional" feel as I will be hosting other games and did not want to be associated with "that" forum any longer.

Those who visit know which forum is "that" forum.


thanks for the heads up kaiser, what other games u hosting ?

The opensim will be open to everyone, and i have some more PHP based games in the works. I'll also be upgrading the vbulletin arcade with everything i can possibly find and then opening it up to non-registered members

We're going to become a gaming site, not a site trying to be a gaming site but being ruined by 5 people who refuse to grow up.

cool so we will be like a gameing site, will we have like platform games nd stuff on? , and my and my friend run lots of servers for verious popular games, could we make them part of the madoshi group?

Originally Posted by [mad
my and my friend run lots of servers for verious popular games, could we make them part of the madoshi group?

OMG brilliant!, im gona talk it over with fallenn then we will give u a message

yeah let me know definitely.


Awesome, thanks Kaiser! I was like "Zomg it doesn't work anymore.. oh lawd what happened now" lol
Shit yeah dude, can't wait!

SAMP server back up.

Site will be slow to come back. Likely on monday. I want to do some stuff while its down vs putting it up and restarting constantly

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