How to make a /announce for admins

Hey, i have been looking in wiki, cant find much,
soo i was wondering if you would know
i have basic admin 1
i got it because it very simple, and i can add my own commands to it HOPEFULLY
can you help

i need /announce [text]

then obv on the players screen, it shows the message


Originally Posted by aspire5630
Hey, i have been looking in wiki, cant find much,
soo i was wondering if you would know
i have basic admin 1
i got it because it very simple, and i can add my own commands to it HOPEFULLY
can you help

i need /announce [text]

then obv on the players screen, it shows the message
I wouldn't recommend doing /announce [text] but # [text] (or another special letter like !, @, % etc

pawn Код:
if(text[0] == '#' && IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) //This will only work for RCON admins
    GameTextForAll(text[1], 5000, 3);
    return false;
That should work

Edited 5:28 PM, April 24th 2009.

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