Gate [+Rep for Helping.]


Hello, I am trying to make a Los Santos Police Department Barrier. I'm experiencing some difficulties.

My LSPD barrier code:

pawn Код:
new LSPDbar;

public OnGameModeInit()
    LSPDbar = CreateObject(968,1544.6999500,-1630.8000500,13.3000000,0.0000000,90.0000000,90.0000000);
        return 1;

The command
COMMAND:gate(playerid, params[])
    MoveObject(LSPDbar,1544.6999500,-1630.8000500,13.3000000, 5.0001, 0, 9, 90);
    return 1;
It opens but not how I expected it too. It just moves the object into it's set position instead off animating to its position. E.g- The gate just moves to a different position, I want it to move slowly to that position.

Thanks in advance.

Bump, please help.

[REMOVED] sorry for bumping this old thread

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