[Help]How can i create gang zone wich i can take?

Hy! I am want to create gang zones. I know how to create them, but i dont know how can i create gang zones wich i can take. For example i m grove gang and I go to ballas teritory,i write /gang_atack and ballas have got 2 minutes to save the gang zone and when they dont save it the gang zone is my.

sry for my bad english

please HELP

Search on wiki, GangZoneCreate

Originally Posted by sushihusi
I go to ballas teritory,i write /gang_atack and ballas have got 2 minutes to save the gang zone and when they dont save it the gang zone is my.
You could create a command that when someone types it in, it starts a timer, and when it runs out, it's yours.
But if you die, it destroys the timer.

THX but I dont know how to create a timer


Can somebody write it down?

use X-Treme SA:MP Ultimate Visual Mapper for CreateGangZone.


Ok but it can only create gang zone
I know how to create gang zones
But I dont know how can i create gang zones wich i can take

pls help

Originally Posted by sushihusi
Ok but it can only create gang zone
I know how to create gang zones
But I dont know how can i create gang zones wich i can take

pls help
Script it, do it with a timer.. If you don't know how to work with a timer, go learn it. We're not here to make the gamemode for you, we're here to support and help you.

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