18.11.2013, 18:13
Hi, i have /aduty command, only admins can use it and in my code something don't work is the color of admin
when admin type /aduty it doesn't set his color to pink as in my code, please help please i give +rep to who help me
Help plz
when admin type /aduty it doesn't set his color to pink as in my code, please help please i give +rep to who help me
pawn Код:
#pragma unused params
if(AdminLevel[playerid] < 1) return SCM(playerid,COLOR_WHITE,"[ERROR] {FFFFFF}Yo! You're not admin.");
if(IsAod[playerid] == 0)
IsAod[playerid] = 1;
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 999999999);
SetPlayerColor(playerid,COLOR_PINK); //This doesn't work
SCM(playerid,COLOR_WHITE,"[ADMIN] {FFFFFF}You are now on duty.");
Attach3DTextLabelToPlayer(aDutyLabel[playerid],playerid,0.0, 0.0, 0.7);
IsAod[playerid] = 0;
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 100);
SCM(playerid,COLOR_WHITE,"[ADMIN] {FFFFFF}You are now off duty.");
return 1;