18.11.2013, 13:45
Hello, got a problem with dynamic labels that I made. They refuse to load, I can create them just fine.
They save in the database fine, but wont load.
This feature is called on OnGameModeInit:
And this is the stock.
Any help is appreciated.
They save in the database fine, but wont load.
This feature is called on OnGameModeInit:
stock AddLabelsFromFile() { new LabelInfo[128], Float:LX, Float:LY, Float:LZ, lTotal; new Query[150]; format(Query, sizeof(Query), "SELECT * FROM `labels`"); new rows, fields; cache_get_data(rows, fields, conn); if(rows) { CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(LabelInfo, RColors[random(sizeof(RColors))], LX, LY, LZ, 100.0, INVALID_PLAYER_ID, INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, 0, -1, -1, -1, TEXTLABELDISTANCE); lTotal++; } mysql_free_result(); printf("** %i\t<->\tLabels Loaded From\t<->\tMySQL\t\t **", lTotal); return 1; }