[GameMode] [GM] ADTRP - I know! "just another Godfather edit"

*** WARNING: This gamemode not part with community named American Dream ****

About 1 years we working hard for this gamemode. This gamemode type is about Role Playing in San Fierro.
And this gamemode is HEAVILY MODIFIED from the original called The Godfather.


- Thanks to Fear for Original God Father.
- Thanks to Seif for fews system that you have made.
- Thanks to LSTNE team for fews of snippets system.
- You can see more credits via gamemode.


I'm only one owner of this gamemode or first holder this gamemode, yes i mean .. this time fews people have this mode before i release this gamemode now (these fews people are in thailand and working with me).
But i'm still an owner of this gamemode. So it all up to me for release this gamemode or not.
My server is still running up. And already got scripers. So i don't have anything to worry about.
I'm not a sciper anymore. Thats why i release this gamemode.
I very sure you don't know my server except you are from thailand. My server is running up on Local ISP. So foreign country can't saw the server in SAMP browser.

Gamemode features:

Jobs Improved:
- Lots of jobs are improved, new commands are added for these jobs.

Command Improved:
- There are LOTS of new commands and old commands are improved.

Saving Wanted System:
- Original Godfather GM: when you have wanted levels and you leaving the game, wanted levels is gone.
- Now it saving your wanted levels at Database.

Vehicle Ownership:
- There is only one spot you can find for buying a vehicle, when you at the spot (wheel arch angel in san fierro) type /buycar, after you type it, a vehicle(Moonbeam) will be spawned at front of wheel arch angel (cost: 100,000).
- Don't like your vehicle model? why don't just change it? type /v upgrade for seeing model lists. Instead you can use (/v)ehicle for viewing veihicle commands list too.
- You can lock your vehicle but everyone still can hotwiring your vehicle
- When you trying to steal someone's vehicle, if that vehicle you want to steal have an alarm system, Police will notice that.
- If you don't bought an insurances for your vehicle and your vehicle is blow up, you will lose your vehicle ... forever.
- Parking system you can park your vehicle any where of the San Andreas (just don't trying to park at the water if you don't stupid enough) and of course ... YOU DONT NEED TO RESTART SERVER FOR PARKING EFFECT!

Nationality System (Disabled and Uncompletely Removed):
- Each Cities has own Nationality (LS SF LV).
- If you are a people of Los Santos but you need to go to San Fierro, you must buying San Fierro passport before go to San Fierro, if not... police will chasing you.

More Houses around Cities:
- Original Godfather GM: just 34 houses.
- There are about 160 houses around 3 cities (House Vehicle Disabled).

Faction Money:
- There factions including Medics, News Reporters, have own Cashbox.
- When they(Medics, News Reporters) employers working, they faction money will filled up.

Gangs System:
- You can create an own gang by using /gangcreate [gangname].
- You can upgrades including weapons, armour, and much more (you need HQ for your gang if you want to spend your upgrade).
- Gang Leveling System: you can gain levels for your gang by killing anoter gangs.
- You can find a houses for setting up your own HQ, if you setting up your HQ. Your gang will spawn at here.

Anticheat System:
- This gamemode have basic Anti Cheat system including Money Cheat(A-MC messed up sometimes, rarely xD), illegal Weapons Cheat, Armour Cheat. (i dont have much experience to make other ac-system)

Injured System:
- If players died, they will become a injured person. they CAN'T moving. And they need medics to save them.
- You can perform CPR injured persons (using /cpr), this command for Medics only.
- You can perform killing injured persons (using /pk), anyway Lawler can't do this.
- If you died, the death count increased by 1 (read at Death Punishment System)

Walkie Talkie (Civillian Radio) System:
- You can buy Walkie Talkie at any 24-7.
- You must set your frequency (using /setfreq) before use it.
- You can talk with everyone if they are in same frequency with you.

Death Punishment System:
- If player died about 20 times. System will randomed stuff and dropped it on the ground. And loses bunches of cash.

Admins Comfortable Commands:
- There are about 50 news commands for Admin. Comfortable for Specting other players or making events.

Other system:
- You can find another features that i won't telling you because i'm forget or it won't finished or it just small sysmtem so i won't tell you because it TOO MANY xD.
- Some features same as GodFather so it dont make sense if i write them.
- Go see by yourself.


1. The WHOLE gamemode messages is a THAI LANGUAGE.
2. The gamemode is about memory leaking.
4. You need Appserv (or just Sqldatabase) for setting up and running this gamemode.
5. Dont claim this gamemode as your own (you doesn't need to give credits to me, just dont try to claim it).
6. There are lot of players data still in database, you must remove it by yourself.
7. Some of features list that i writed maybe doesn't has in-game
8. ************************************************** ******
9. I try to dont edit anything in gamemode because i want it still fresh.
10. This gamemode is for education propose, do what ever you want.
11. I dont care (much) what problem you encountered with my gamemode.

*** I will try to support you guys as fast as i can until i'm really busy ***

DOWNLOAD LINK (Mirrors link would be appreciated):

1. http://www.zezombia.com/upload/files/514_ADTRP.rar
<english only>

do you public it?

Why did you start this topic from the beginning if you want it to be removed so fast..?

I really public this one now.

OMG! Nice!!! Thank guys

<english only>

Can someone help me? Also change the languagw to English?

If this gamemode is in thai,
then we cant understand it stupid

i tought YES a great mod (finally but it is in thai)


This script sucks.. It's not even english! Go to a different forum.

it would be cool if you translate it into english

Scripts looks cool but WTF iґve never seen

ผมไม่เอาไปเปิด หลอก แต่ก็ ขอบคุณครับ Smiley ได้ศึกษาวิธีการใช้งานต่างๆได้

Whats that ?
Wtf Are u from Bagdad ?

Plz post include file for Complie...
Some inc. I don't have and I think someone don't have like too.

sry for my bad English...

Can someone translate the GM

In English or German.
I can use both.

THX in advance tekkstar

database.sql ?

I have not


i think you computer not have Thai fonts,so you will see our language is ailien language

I got a error compiling:
afterday2.0.6.1\afterday2.0.6.1.pwn(13865) : error 025: function heading differs from prototype
public OnVehicleRespray(playerid ,vehicleid, color1, color2)
BTW: its not ailien but alien.

FIXED: Redownloaded pawno :P

this look so good i was just scanning through it amazing job and then out of no where it says IN THAI WTF this is a english forum so can u please post a english script or just dont bother since its useless to us by that i mean people that know english so i will say dont download his script unless your from Thailand if not its us useless to you

when i go to start my server show me this error :

Run Time Error 19 : " File or Function is not found "

how to fix this ?


Why release a thai script in a english community?
Just an advice: translate it to English, this would be better.

Originally Posted by renan32
when i go to start my server show me this error :

Run Time Error 19 : " File or Function is not found "

how to fix this ?

Get xStreamer,sampmysql in http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?board=50.0

Originally Posted by mazo1
this look so good i was just scanning through it amazing job and then out of no where it says IN THAI WTF this is a english forum so can u please post a english script or just dont bother since its useless to us by that i mean people that know english so i will say dont download his script unless your from Thailand if not its us useless to you
WTF, This script is 63000 lines!
If you need ADTRP Version English, use Thai Translator in web or programs.

I don't think translators will support 64k lines of script

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