How to set yourself admin in San Fierro Cops-Robbers-RPG v1.1?

Hi guys!
Thanks for taking time to read this.
This is just a simple question. How do I set myself admin in the gamemode San Fierro Cops-Robbers-RPG v1.1?
I know the highest rank is 1337, but when I login with rcon what do I type then?

You should check out your scriptfiles folder and check out your name that you registred with, then open the .ini file and search for the value "Admin=" and replace it to Admin=1337.

If I helped you please rep me

Try the normal admin commands such as:

/setadmin playerid level
/makeadmin playerid level

If its not one of those, look through the script and look for something like 'Admin' or something similar and see what commands are found.

EDIT: Above person beat me, but yeh you could also just check ya .ini.

Yup! Thanks Nourdin! I am really happy now since I have sat here like half an hour trying to figure out how to do this XD..

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