[Help] FS doesn't load

Hi! I have just downloaded a filterscript from this forum, I took it from pastebin and I pasted it on a new file on pawn. I compiled it with the name Fpoli, and I added "Fpoli" to filterscripts line on my server.cfg, but it doesn`t work, every time I run the samp-server.exe it tries to load a different .amx that never exists. Here some errors...

Unable to load filterscript '<.amx'.
Unable to load filterscript 'k.amx'.
Unable to load filterscript ':.amx'.
Unable to load filterscript '[.amx'.
Unable to load filterscript '‡.amx'.
Unable to load filterscript '‚.amx'.
Sorry for my bad English, I hope to improve it!

Maybe you've reached the Limit of the Filterscripts on your Server Gamemode,

The Limit of the Filterscripts is 16,

You can only add 16 Filterscripts in your Server Gamemode.

Here are the Limits List,

Limits - SA-MP Wiki

I know, I only have 5 filterscripts...

Have you checked that the .AMX Files is in the Filterscripts Folder?

Check your .AMX Files Size, if it is 0 Bytes,

it will not work.

No, it is 26 KB :S

I think it might be the Filterscript(s) itself then, if there is some "Bad" Code in it, then it can't run.

Originally Posted by davazi7
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I know, I only have 5 filterscripts...
Do those 5 filterscripts load?

I remember I somehow broke it too about a year ago and I got pretty much the same characters but I cannot remember what exactly I did.

Can you send the link of that filterscript Fpoli so I can try it and see?

But... all of them compile perfectly, and I have used the old ones for 4 months without any problem, these problems came when I added this FS yesterday evening...

This is the link: http://pastebin.com/wbNPpjZ7#

Edit: I decided not to use this FS and I deleted it from the server.cfg, but I still have the problem with the old FS that worked well before that...

So the problem is not that filterscript. Would you mind to show us the server.cfg? Remove/Hide the password though.

echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 1
rcon_password *******
maxplayers 107
port 7777
hostname Coming soon...
gamemode0 UnderworldCity 1
filterscripts Tarma Vote-Kick velocimetro controls anti-afk
announce 1
query 1
weburl www.******.es
maxnpc 7
plugins audio streamer sscanf
onfoot_rate 30
incar_rate 30
weapon_rate 30
stream_distance 200.0
stream_rate 600
password *******
I don't understand anything... The server was online for two months with this configuration and it ran ok...

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