What is your most memorable SA-MP moment?

My most memorable moment is when I just began playing SA-MP and I used to troll the hackers all the time.

What is yours?

Playing at Impulse99 (v1), it was my favourite server! I was well-known there (not with that name).

playing at cod5.....then making a script similar to cod5 ress....then hosting it and getting more players than cod5 ress

Playing first server somewhere in Las Vegas.

My other moment was when I had 120 players on my server. Will never forget the good old times :')

opening my first rp server, got 3 people

My main one? Opening my own DM server with a friend, the other one moment... closing it again.

Making a ~5k object with a guy who then insisted on calling it 'Oriental County'.
I did most work, he half assed on the details. Also, why the fuck would anyone call an American country side-styled map 'Oriental County'?

I still work on the map but SA-MP is incapable of streaming it well enough for it to be playable.

Driving around on Awesome Stuntages in either a tuned Tampa or Boxville, painted in fluorescent red and green colors and 10 people chasing me to hijack my car.

Joining USRP as my first RP server, Was crying to join the Aztecas gang, Was like a dream for me- Then I had an invite by wrong so I started jumping, dancing- Went to my mother was like "OMG I JOINED A GANG"

I used to look to gangs in RP servers like "God... They're rolling together.. shooting together.. RP'ing together, MY GTA DREAM!"

Damn nice old days ; )

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