payday help!

hi guys i wanted to make a paycheck system like ls-rp

Not exactly but what i want is

payday comes each hours and then

there is a exp needed to get level.

like lets say for level 1 = */8
once u reach 8 u have to do /buylevel and you use setplayerscore to set the level 2 please help me out!

This is Script help,not script request section

do you want some tips on what you need to do or do u want someone to do it for u ?
please be specific sir

I am asking for help not script, yes ideas/tips would work with an example.

Make a second timer, get the time, call the Payday function that you will create. Do whatever you want using loops by looping all the online players and giving them money levels etc., make savable variables for these levels. Blabla. Or hire a scripter to do one for you.

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