how to get time, when


I store my server in host. But problem is hosting time is +2 more, then time in my countrie. If now is 11:00, then if i get time, it will wrote 1:00. How to get time, but that time, what is in real time, what is in my computer, just real time.

Times are not the same for every player (who lives in different country that yours).

Well, if you want to show the time of your country.

pawn Код:
gettime( hour, minute, second );
printf( "%02d:%02d", hour - 2, minute );
// Using hour - 2 will show your time, then show it by chat, textdraws or whatever you want!

The above poster is correct, but keep in mind that time goes from 0 to 23. A correct function would be:

pawn Код:
stock GetRealTime(&hours, &minutes, &seconds, timezone_offset = 0) {
    gettime(hours, minutes, seconds);

    hours += timezone_offset;
    hours = hours < 0 ? (hours + 24) : hours;
    hours = hours > 23 ? (hours - 24) : hours;

// Can be used as
new hours, minutes, seconds;
new timezone_offset = -2; // Server timezone is 2 hours ahead of the timezone you want

GetRealTime(hours, minutes, seconds, timezone_offset);

printf("%02d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds); // prints real time

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