How to do this?

Guys, a bit hard to explain.

A 4-door car like washington got this:

1 2
3 4 1=driver, 2=co-driver, 3 & 4 = passengers

I want the camera placed on spot 2, and looking forward than. Including some parts of the interior. How can i do that??

edit: with including some parts of the interior i mean this: that i can still see that i am in a car, and looking forward, outside the window.

No one knows this?

You already opened a topic about that, a while ago. I didn't read replies, but as I understood from this topic you didn't get your answer..

Indeed, i didn't got my answer. And i really think it is possible, but dont know how?..

I just got a second idea:
Maybe you can get the driver his position (X, Y, Z) place a little object to the right of him which you cant see, then put the camera facing at it?
Rk_, Last time i was trying arround some with the spectate function, and you might want to try the PlayerSpectatePlayer function. It makes you spectate the player, but when he goes into a car, you will look out of the front window, the only problem you will have is getting it into seat 2.

Heres how you get it to look from the front window:

pawn Код:
TogglePlayerSpectating(playerid, 1);
PlayerSpectatePlayer(playerid, targetid);
Try it out

If you are driving, use SA Cam Hack

So by spectating i can if i am in a car, see throug the front window?

Thats what i said

Would be possible if there was a GetPlayerVehicleSeatID function

If you spectate a player , and that player will enter the car , you'll see his shouled

Oke thanks, i will try than

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