17.04.2009, 01:29
Hi, as I asked before about map editors, most people pointed out MTA map editor which I used and found a bunch of objects I wanted. The only problem is, the objects I found are not in the format of numbers like SA-MP uses, i.e - object "15433."
I found the "names" of the objects. i.e - "cf_ext_dem_SFS"
Will it work if I just type in the object name? Or do I need to find the ID's to each of these object names? If so, how the hell do I do that?
-The Wise Guys. (Although not so wise this time.)
I found the "names" of the objects. i.e - "cf_ext_dem_SFS"
Will it work if I just type in the object name? Or do I need to find the ID's to each of these object names? If so, how the hell do I do that?

-The Wise Guys. (Although not so wise this time.)