Random Messages

Hello ,

Could you please write the code for me about how to add random messages on the server? Also I need to know how to change the time . I would be grateful if you can explain for me in the code by adding the " /* " .

Thank you !


I already read it but It doesn't help enough . I want someone to show me an example so I can edit it.

Thanks for replying .

Well there is explaned all i don't know what you don't understand i will give you my code but it's same as wiki one...
Put this on top of the GM near forwards
pawn Код:
forward SendMSG(playerid);
put where you define new
pawn Код:
new RandomMSG[][] =
    "your txt.",
    "your txt."
put near your publics
pawn Код:
public SendMSG(playerid)
    if(HelpMessages[playerid] == 1)
        new randMSG = random(sizeof(RandomMSG));
        SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_SIMPSONS, RandomMSG[randMSG]);
Put this under "public OnGameModeInit"
pawn Код:
SetTimer("SendMSG", 450000, true);

I want it in a filterscript anyways , thanks .

Then post a request not a script help...

You're clearly asking for someone to 'create' this for 'you' in the 'Scripting Help' section, if you're not happy with the example ***Niko*** has given you then i suggest looking on the wiki and constantly reading so you know what you're doing, or posting a request on one of the six script request threads.

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