Dialog system are bugged. 1 rep for help me with it

Hey. I have a Linux server...

When i make my buy weapon and LSPD locker with Dialog system.

I join my local server and use the command /buyweapon. And then it come up and i select one of the weapons and it close down and did not get the weapon i have buyed. But it works on my Windows 7 computer.

I really need help...

If you need to see the script say it.

Same for me,but everybody is saying that,the dialog response is causing that.

Do i need a Plugin or what

I am searching for answer too now,but i am telling what i realised/told latest time.

It happend to me once, i fixed it using a plugin i dont recall what it was called, search for it on ******

Could you show your script lines of though dialog box and the responses?

Show the /Buyweapon command code, and the Dialog-Response related to that command.

I have the same problem now,does i need to set dialog response to 0 ?

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