progress bar help?

can someone please help me out and give me an example of a progress bar updating every second for 5 seconds, then destroys it self?

You create a player progress bar when they connect and it will automatically destroy when they disconnect. You don't want to destroy anything rather Show/Hide. I can't find the link to the player version so here is a pastebin of the version I have currently not sure why it's not on the original thread (Or maybe I missed it?).

Original Thread:

no... create it when a player enters a checkpoint, waits 5 seconds while it updates until it reaches 0 then destroy it..
wouldn't it look something like this?
public onplayerentercheckpoint
ShowProgressBarForPlayer(barid, playerid);
SetProgressBarMaxValue(barid, 700);
UpdateProgessBar(barid, playerid=INVALID_PLAYER_ID);
SetTimerEx(SetTimerEx("Progbar", 5000, false, "i", playerid);
HideProgressBarForPlayer(barid, playerid);
return 1;
return 0;

just a quick example, but yes?

That makes no sense did you not listen? You only need to create it once and it will automatically destroy when a player quits you only need to show/hide. Create/destroy each time is counter intuitive and makes absolutely no sense at all.

@Edit - Check the pastebin link your using the wrong include.

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