[Map] Axey's House [second release]

Hello SA-MP players ,

I was thinking of making a map wasn't in anyone's mind . so , I decided to make this house + house interior map with an in-game object editor because I don't use MTA Map Editor . I have made the whole house with its interior , Made the walls , Furniture , floor , etc . I hope you guys like it because I have spent few hours doing it , Give me your opinion about ..I am kinda new to mapping so i wanna see if i can continue in this or not . Leave your opinion.

Some screenshots of the house + the interior :

I thought of creating a house + interior instead of using the SA-MP house interiors and Release it to SA-MP members so they can give their opinion about it,Your opinion is much appreciated .

Download :

Click here to download

Total Objects : 106 Objects.

Players has given me some suggestions and I have added it . If you have any other suggestions , will be glad if you can let me know .

NOTE: If you want to add the improvements , You have to delete the first map and then add this one

Some screens of the improvements :

Click here to download

Total Objects : 135 Objects .

in my opinion there should be more objects inside.

Nice as a second release but try to add more objects next time...

Yeah thanks , I hadn't got the time to put objects inside the house .

I am glad that you like it and thanks for your comments .

Next time add more furniture, like Tvs, fridge, etc
anyway good job and try to improve it next times

Thank you xVIP3Rx for your advice and sure i will add more furniture.

Originally Posted by Neonman
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in my opinion there should be more objects inside.
Originally Posted by Xicor
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Nice as a second release but try to add more objects next time...
Originally Posted by xVIP3Rx
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Next time add more furniture, like Tvs, fridge, etc
anyway good job and try to improve it next times
People suggested to add some more objects to the house and I have done this .

You can re-download it when you click on the second link in the first post . Thank you for your suggestions .

Not bad, cool, but why did you create it there?

I liked the idea of the house being over the mountain and thats why the house is made of wood .

Thanks for giving your opinion.

Good Idea = Good Work

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