[HELP] Dialog Error +Rep for help

Hello Guys,

I want some help with dialogs :l


I have downloaded PPC_Housing script and loaded it with my server Seems to work good but,
The Dialogs doe'snt respond

I mean when the dialog opens then i press on any option it don't respond it just closes the dialog

I think that's a problem with the dialog ID but i don't know how to change it

So please help me i will rep+ u when u help


Try to put that script alone, To check if it actually work,
I think the problem is with another filterscript not with that one...Check the other dialogs on the other scripts and make sure you return 1; after them

That's All was done before.. Btw, ana masry too

Great , Did you know which script is causing the problem ?

No that'd be hard..

Do u know some stuff about dialog IDs?

I think I know, They can't be the same..
But I don't know what would happen if two dialogs have the same id.. I think I'll test that soon

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