01.12.2008, 16:14
> Homer's Hunting GM <
- Hey all! I'm scripting this Mini-GM just few days... And I haven't seen Pawno since August xD So don't look on me as on novice xD I got an idea to make gamemode, when someone is target, and other players are hitmans. This is my dream - read more.NEWS: What's new? Don't know if it's new... It's old more than 3 weeks but...

ABOUT: I don't have a time, so I'll fill this lines later. First sorry for my bad english

BUGS: No bugs anymore. I fixed them all, but if you got some ... Tell me

SERVER: We have a server with 70 slots, pings 20-30 and 100% availability. Server is hosted by Crazyhost, so thanks to them(I have it for free :PP MEHEHEHE)

By the way we need some admins, so contact me if interested. IP is
There's a: Big car list with more than 50 car models.
Simple Admin Script with many commands.
Two languages to choose - Slovak and English.
Server Log when you can find whatever happend on your server.
Anti Cheat - detects Minigun, RPG, SawnOff, Jetpack. It's simple, but if you want, add somethin' more

I'm not big writer, so this is all I think. If you have any ideas, please tell it to me, thanks. Thanks for reading and for all

[center]Version v0.7
(pwn + amx)
X-Tras Link