Score point and money for each kill [HELP]

When you or someone else kill somebody, he gets +1 score and for example: $1000 for each kill, tell me how please and if possible to make without zcmd ycmd just like in "a_samp" for example the onplayercommandtext
Such as:
pawn Код:
and then sendclientmessage etc etc
return 1;
if possible to make it like that, but not with zcmd such as:
pawn Код:
etc etc
return 1;

You don't even need a command for that.

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerDeath( playerid, killerid, reason )
    if( killerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID )
        SetPlayerScore( killerid, GetPlayerScore( killerid ) + 1 );
        GivePlayerMoney( killerid, 1000 );
    return 1;

You made me this:
for example:

I killed you, I got +1 score and $1000, not you, right?

And can you make me, i'll give you an example:

I killed you, I got +1 score and $1000, but the guy who got killed by me -1 score and -$1000, how do I make that?

killerid is the player who killed somebody.
playerid is the player who got killed by someone.

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerDeath( playerid, killerid, reason )
    if( killerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID )
        SetPlayerScore( killerid, GetPlayerScore( killerid ) + 1 );
        GivePlayerMoney( killerid, 1000 );
    SetPlayerScore( playerid, GetPlayerScore( playerid) - 1 );
    GivePlayerMoney( playerid, -1000 );
    return 1;

thank you, I also changed a bit some parts, thanks again.

Originally Posted by Konstantinos
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You don't even need a command for that.

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerDeath( playerid, killerid, reason )
    if( killerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID )
        SetPlayerScore( killerid, GetPlayerScore( killerid ) + 1 );
        GivePlayerMoney( killerid, 1000 );
    return 1;
yes, the killer will get the +1 score and the $1000.

Hey, I need a help, how to make when I "not kill" when I hit the player with the weapon and yeah even kill too, I hear this music.
Look at it, please: [ame][/ame]
You can hear it on 0:05, i'm looking forward for help, thanks.

Any further help, please?

Anyone, please

Try 3401 or 6401

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