02.10.2013, 00:35
i would like to suggest to add gate and high fences in every base and add more teams/base
___to do___ more cmds for donors add fences in the bases :D map all map add a ammunation in the city with many funtions add anti hydra base attacks add anti spawn kill
_____Done_____ Event System added thank you diogo123 :D cmd for admins done anti spawn kill turf system (the zones now are capturables, but idk if the colors are bugged)
AC anti cheat system add fences in the bases :D map all map add a ammunation in the city with many funtions add anti hydra base attacks
i will edit the post in 40 mins well this version is better than v 3.02a Next version v4.6.2x Код:
AC anti cheat system add fences in the bases :D map all map add a ammunation in the city with many funtions add anti hydra base attacks Hope you like this version ! help me with the +rep C: i'd like that C: ! Thank you ! |
LAtin gang war changelog added new commands for admins and normal players /kick added again /banip /mute /unmute /ip /get /goto /freeze /unfreeze /slap normal cmds /weapons /rqunmute [TEXT] to request an unmute or can use /rmute [text] /changepass fixeed setdonor cmd Added more cmds and new system spec system cmds /spec /specoff removed textdraws added more random cmds ! credits to tee for the guie in the spec system Added new teams USA TEAM & TERRORIST TEAM new commands for admins and normal guys
Add the niggers, or you're a racist, you refuse to recognize black people? |