My 3d Model with no texture s (made 5-6 months before)

Here is my Gun Model!


I made a car with different colors but it aint here (its my my uncle's house) will update and post a new post

Sry for the img pos. cant place the camera in a perfect place -_-

well, it will make it better if texture added, anyway cool good luck

idk how to add texture but i do like copy obj, add to different layers, cut it, change color / tex , join the obj with others

well you can watch a video from ******* or somewhere

i watched but it requires another software. anyway this one was old

Actually you only need another piece of software to alter the existing textures... Most modeling software's allow you to apply and export textures to models you own from there.

try to search texture maker on ****** or contact someone in some gta sa mod site like gtagarage, gtainside and ask any mod maker, the texture maker for guns. Just try only

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