Suggestions for future SA:MP updates

pawn Code:
native PlayAudioStreamForAll(url[], Float:posX = 0.0, Float:posY = 0.0, Float:posZ = 0.0, Float:distance = 50.0, usepos = 0); // Streams the audio for all players
native PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(playerid, url[], Float:posX = 0.0, Float:posY = 0.0, Float:posZ = 0.0, Float:distance = 50.0, usepos = 0, showlink = true); // I've only added 'showlink' where you can enable/disable to show the Playing 'link'.
native AttachTextDrawToObject(objectid, Float:OffsetX, Float:OffsetY, Float:OffsetZ, Float:rX, Float:rY, Float:rZ); // Attaches textdraw to any object
native SyncPlayer(playerid); // Syncs player
native SyncAll(); // Syncs everyone
native ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, dialogid, style, caption[], info[], align[], button1[], button2[]); // I've only added 'align' where we align the text to right, left and centre.
native ShowDialogToAll(dialogid, style, caption[], info[], align[], button1[], button2[]); // Show's the dialog for all
native CreateDialogSetPreviewModel(playerid, dialogid, PlayerText:text, modelindex); // Use 2D sprites in dialogs.
native CreateDialogSetPreviewRot(playerid, PlayerText:text, Float:fRotX, Float:fRotY, Float:fRotZ, Float:fZoom); // Use 3D models in dialogs.
native CreateDialogSetPreviewVehCol(playerid, PlayerText:text, color1, color2); // changing vehicle colour of 3D preview model
native CreateMoving3DTextLabel(text[], color, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:DrawDistance, speed = 1.0, virtualworld, testLOS); // Moving 3D Text label
native SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, color, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:size); // Added 'color' to use RGBA or other formats to change checkpoint colours
native SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, type, color, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:nextx, Float:nexty, Float:nextz, Float:size); // Same as above
New dialog style:
pawn Code:
4 - DIALOG_STYLE_CHATBOX // Chat box style
Emoticons in chat with these functions:
pawn Code:
native PlayerEmoticons(playerid, true/false); // enable emoticons for a specific player
ChatEmoticons(true/false); // use emoticons in the servers or not

pawn Code:
native OnPlayerShootVehicle(playerid,vehicleid,Float:amount,weapon)

// Yeeaaahh with 0.3z its now possible =D
pawn Code:
native OnVehicleHealthChange(vehicleid,Float:newhealth,Float:oldhealth)
And of course, make RPG's, grenades, helicopter blades, run over, hydra/hunter missiles/gun, call OnPlayerGiveDamage :/

Originally Posted by arakuta
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pawn Code:
native OnPlayerShootVehicle(playerid,vehicleid,Float:amount,weapon)
pawn Code:
native OnVehicleHealthChange(vehicleid,Float:newhealth,Float:oldhealth)
And of course, make RPG's, grenades, helicopter blades, run over, hydra/hunter missiles/gun, call OnPlayerGiveDamage :/
YEAH +1337!!!!

i want this !!
pawn Code:
new testtextdraw;

ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, testtextdraw, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Server Rules", "- No Cheating\n- No Spamming\n- Respect Admins\n\nDo you agree to these rules?", "Yes", "No");

public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
    if(dialogid == testtextdraw)
        if(response) // If they clicked 'Yes' or pressed enter
            SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Thank you for agreeing to the server rules!");
        else // Pressed ESC or clicked cancel
            KickWithMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You MUST agree to the server rules to play here.");
            //For info & code of this function please refer to the bottom of this article.
        return 1; // We handled a dialog, so return 1. Just like OnPlayerCommandText.
    return 0; // You MUST return 0 here! Just like OnPlayerCommandText.

I want a callback when the player presses ESC.

And a function for the players "ghostmode" cars and object.

Here is my suggestions

PHP Code:
SetObjectScale(objectidFloatscale 1.0);
SetPlayerObjectScale(playeridobjectidFloatscale 1.0);
//Fix memory leak in SetObjectMaterial/Text and fix bug when alpha does not work SetObjectMaterial/Text 

Add more control for the NPC's, like the old CNPC plugin and abandoned FCNPC plugin. This is very useful for new system and better gamemodes zombies or other gamemodes that require NPC's.

pawn Code:
OnPlayerVirtualWorldChange(playerid, oldvw, newvw)

Above - very much scriptable! Use GetPlayerVirtualWorld in OPU or some timer and check against a variable where you saved the VW the last time, and call it if changed?

pawn Code:
SendPlayerKey(playerid, keys);
Example of use:

pawn Code:
// Automatically activate 10x NOS.

if (IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid))
    AddVehicleComponent(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), 1010);
    SendPlayerKey(playerid, KEY_FIRE);

Originally Posted by Emmet_
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pawn Code:
SendPlayerKey(playerid, keys);
Example of use:

pawn Code:
// Automatically activate 10x NOS.

if (IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid))
    AddVehicleComponent(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), 1010);
    SendPlayerKey(playerid, KEY_FIRE);
Nice suggestion

Audio Plugin v0.5 apply for ease of use, it is much better than PlayAudioStreamForPlayer
Audio Plugin v0.5 R2

Client-sided scripts

Originally Posted by OTACON
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Audio Plugin v0.5 apply for ease of use, it is much better than PlayAudioStreamForPlayer
Audio Plugin v0.5 R2
The best so far.

Since I do a lot of RP, I really think you should add some female cop skins to SA-MP.
It basicall should be same uniforms as the male cop skins, and also make one for each LS, SF and LV, like the male skins. Also sheriff skins.
I am thinking something like this:


Originally Posted by sim_sima
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Since I do a lot of RP, I really think you should add some female cop skins to SA-MP.
It basicall should be same uniforms as the male cop skins, and also make one for each LS, SF and LV, like the male skins. Also sheriff skins.
I am thinking something like this:
Hey, that Ford Crown Victoria mod is amazing!!

Originally Posted by Gryphus One
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Hey, that Ford Crown Victoria mod is amazing!!
Not my screenshots, just found them

All fonts for textdraws, example:

TextDrawFont(td, "Arial");

Possibly some client side customization? For instance move the chatbox to a certain position. Might be a small enhancement but would certainly stop pissing off children who want their chatbox at the bottom or whatever lol.

A way to move your dialog around, and multi-on-screen dialog's too which would be helpful.

A chatbox dialog, I think this was suggested before.

Resizable dialog's, i.e. if someone wants to resize the dialog so they can see the text (low resolution PC), then they can do so.

was good if Player can write in TextDraw like as in dialogs

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