Strange issue with print

I have the following code:
pawn Код:
    for (new _card=1; _card<=13; _card++) {
        if (countC[_card-1]==2) {
            for (new _subCard=1; _subCard<=13; _subCard++) {
                if (_subCard != _card) {
                    if (countC[_subCard-1]==2) {
                        return CHECK_TWOPAIRS;
    print("CHECK_TWOPAIRS - END");
pawn Код:
works a treat, but when i comment out the "print"s:
pawn Код:
    for (new _card=1; _card<=13; _card++) {
        if (countC[_card-1]==2) {
            for (new _subCard=1; _subCard<=13; _subCard++) {
                if (_subCard != _card) {
                    if (countC[_subCard-1]==2) {
                        return CHECK_TWOPAIRS;
    //print("CHECK_TWOPAIRS - END");
I get the following crash:
pawn Код:
[00:50:55] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[00:50:55] [debug]  Accessing element at index 8685052 past array upper bound 4
[00:50:55] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[00:50:55] [debug] #0 00047c28 in ?? () from grimrandomerRoleplay.amx
[00:50:55] [debug] #1 000b81e4 in public OnGameModeInit () from grimrandomerRoleplay.amx
Any thoughts? thanks Grim.

Edit: The test data for both runs is Exactly the same, just to rule it out.


index 8685052

I have a feeling it refers to countC.

Can you post up the new countC[...]; ?


The thing is you need to think about the error.

Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"

Okay -- We have this error, why? Array index is bigger then the value is able to be settle in.
pawn Код:
new countC[3];

// in a public
for(new countCs = 1; countCs < 99; countCs++) { printf("%d", countC[countCs]); }
It tries to load data that isn't actually stored inside the array, meaning. Past the array bounds.


Look at your script as it refers towards OnGameModeInit() in address 000b81e4(well, not an actual address as I remember trought memory editing), I'd guess that for loop is inside the OnGameModeInit().

- But wait, something wierd indeed happens? when I have print on there is no errors.
-- Well, firstly I didn't understand why the heck are you doing [_card-1]. Isn't it easier to do this?:
pawn Код:
new countC[14]; // 0 - 13 is used. 14 is a null cell.

for(new _card=0; _card<14; _card++)
{ // starts from 0 and then reaches 13. Not going over to 14 due to '< 14'
    if(countC[_card] == 2)
    { // if countC[cell] would equal to integer 2.
        for(new _subCard=0; _subCard<14; _subCard++)
        { // starts from 0 and then reaches 13. Not going over to 14 due to '< 14'
            if(_subCard != _card)
            { // if #loop2 does NOT equal to #loop1 then continue. (integers of course)
                 if(countC[_subCard] == 2) return CHECK_TWOPAIRS; // quick way to wrap-up the whole thingy.

Let's think out of the box for a moment. (This isn't nessesry if you just want it to find one "twopairs" and never continue anymore & if its in the end of the script.)

When we call out the CHECK_TWOPAIRS as a return, it would STOP OnGameModeInit and won't continue anymore.
We don't want that right? Example of what will happen:

pawn Код:
    // Stuff here before the for loop.
    // --> countC loop with the 'return CHECK_TWOPAIRS;'
    // More stuff here after loop.
Problem is, when you call out a return. ANYWHERE, it will no longer continue to support whats after it. (In short-terms, won't access it cause it would think its job is done)

Insted, for 'for loops' we use: "continue" - if we want it to continue the loop untill it finishes. OR "break" - this will say, "Okay, we found what we want. Let's stop the loop cause we don't want anything else." (<== EXAMPLE) This would basicly stop the whole loop and won't continue anymore.

With this in-mind, I'd guess we should continue like this:
pawn Код:
new countC[14]; // 0 - 13 is used. 14 is a null cell.

for(new _card=0; _card<14; _card++)
{ // starts from 0 and then reaches 13. Not going over to 14 due to '< 14'
    if(countC[_card] == 2)
    { // if countC[cell] would equal to integer 2.
        for(new _subCard=0; _subCard<14; _subCard++)
        { // starts from 0 and then reaches 13. Not going over to 14 due to '< 14'
            if(_subCard != _card)
            { // if #loop2 does NOT equal to #loop1 then continue. (integers of course)
                 if(countC[_subCard] == 2)
                     // Send this over to another checkup script, example: OnFoundTwoPairs(_card, _subCard);
                     continue; // <== This isn't really needed, cause there is no return.
                     // or just return continue; // Same as above ^
                     // break; // If we don't want anything else going on here, let's just stop with break;
                     // or just return break; // Same as above ^ (not sure about this tho, never tried it out)
Try out the last pawn snippet I posted up, and tell me the results. You can also debug exactly where does the error happens by using print inside the loop.

Also post what I said in the top of my post, the countC variable of yours.

Well, funny thing is, it turned out to be unrelated code:

pawn Код:
    for (new _card=1; _card<=13; _card++) {
        if (countC[_card-1]==2) {
            for (new _subCard=1; _subCard<=13; _subCard++) {
                if (_subCard != _card) {
                    if (countC[_subCard-1]==2) {
                        return CHECK_TWOPAIRS;
    print("CHECK_TWOPAIRS - END");
    for (new _c=0; _c<5; _c++) {
        new _c = cPokerGame[playerid][_c][1]; //My error was here, I re-defined _c
        if (_c >= CARD_JACK) {
            return CHECK_JACKORBETTER;
Turned out I was redefining the loop variable, inside the loop. But whats strange, is

pawn Код:
was completely skipped in the output, so i thought the error was between "CHECK_TWOPAIRS - START" and "CHECK_TWOPAIRS - END"

thanks for the help though

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