SAMP - open source?

Hey guys,

Like always I'm learning new and new languages to add to my collection of knownledge and a friend told me to start doing PAWN. Well oke, I've got some quit good experience with game dev ( different platforms ) and I wanted to try some advanced server scripts for samp, and what a suprise... the things I want to do are impossible with the given functions / events.

To make my stuff posible, I'd like to see if the samp is an open source project or if there is any way I could get my hands on the source to create the events I'd like to use. This might sound like I'm a crazy dude, but trust me... I am.

Thanks in advanced,
- Tosfera

u want the samp open source? lol i dont think they are gonna give it to you...

Like I thought, it's not an open source project. Well I guess this ends the story for me on samp quite fast.

You can create plugins and create stuff not possible with PAWN

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